
Budtender - One Plant

Started - May 2022
Before starting at One Plant I honestly didn't know very much about the industry. Over the course of my employment, I have learned so much not only about the cannabis plant but also about the cannabis industry and market.

At One Plant I have gained invaluable cannabis knowledge with respect to cultivation, strains, the cannabis plant itself, cannabinoids, terpenes, production, marketing strategy, customer demographics, further customer service development and sales techniques, and much much more.

I have had the opportunity to attend many cannabis industry events such as Kind Summer and Winter Garden in Toronto. Here I had the opportunity to meet and speak with many industry heads, getting a strong understanding of where the industry is, and where it could be.

Business, MarketingGeorgian College

One year completed
I am very proud to be a Georgian College student. Georgian has given me a robust education with support and opportunity along the way. I have learned more about marketing and business in the last 8 months than I thought possible. After just two semesters I feel confident and prepared to enter the cannabis marketing industry and move mountains. I cannot wait to work with a brand as a team and as an individual to help them develop their vision of success.

I am also honoured to announce that I have been chosen as a contestant in the 2023 Ontario College Marketing Competition. I am ecstatic about this opportunity and cannot wait to see what happens next along this road of education.