Maximizing Your Cannabis Marketing Strategies Garnet Rotenberg

Hello, I'm Garnet Rotenberg, your new favourite cannabis brand representative. Together we're going to bring brand loyalty to 100%. With nearly a decade in customer service, vast and ever-growing knowledge of cannabis, and marketing-focused post-secondary education, I have the tools needed to understand your market, permeate it, grow your brand, and maintain our found success. If this sounds in line with your brand's goals you've found your new best hire.


"My boyfriend and I stopped in today to get some pre-rolls & we were served by a man named Garnet. Never have I been served by someone so engaging and knowledgeable, at any establishment, let alone a dispensary. He had information about every single product and delivered this in an extremely enticing way. This guy could’ve made us buy anything in the store. Garnet deserves a promotion."

Kept anonymous at request